Requirements For

4 and 4

  1. 4 and 4 are constructive, showing hearts and spades respectively.
        4 shows Hearts and 4 shows spades
  2. The Trump suit is always self-sufficient and never contains more then one loser. It is at least seven cards in length, frequently eight.
  3. No more than one Ace or King (but not both) outside the trump suit.
  4. Eight or nine playing tricks.

Since opener is promising 8 or 9 tricks (Never more or less) you must have 3 or 4 quick tricks and controls to make a slam try. Responses to 4 and 4

  1. If opener had bid 4 the bid of 4 (opener's real suit) is to play – opener must pass.
  2. If opener had bid 4 the bid of 4 (opener's real suit) is to play - opener must pass.
  3. The bid of the intermediate suit (4 over 4 and 4 over 4) shows slam interest and asks opener to:
  • Bid an outside first-round control –Ace or void.
  • Bid 4NT with an outside King (responder’s rebid of 5 asks "Which King")
  • Bid his real suit without an outside first-round control or outside King.
Last Updated on Monday, 02 April 2012 21:34